Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lodge Improvements July 09

Last weekend, we were so excited that we got to make a trip to the lodge so that Dave could install the carpet and test Non-Toxic's new digital camera.

So here are some pictures with the new camera of how it all went:

Here's the carpet being rolled into
the lodge on top of the rolls of padding. It was very, very heavy!

And Look! Just like that it's in (ha!)
Dave also ended up putting down the flooring in front of the doors in addition to the pad and carpet.

After the pad, carpet and other flooring was put in, Dave fixed the upper kitchen cabinets and put some more doors on the bottom cabinets.

And now, with the carpet-it's a nice atmosphere to sit on a comfy couch in front of the fireplace sippin' some coffee or cocoa.

This is a close up the amazing coffee table that was commissioned for the lodge specifically. David G. Flood (not Dave) took this oak slab and created this table and then carved and painted
the center scene. It is just AMAZING!

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