Saturday, January 22, 2011

7 Ball Tournament Winners!

Joseph 1st Nick 2nd and Emilio 3rd Starting next month we will be having both the regular Pool tournament and 7 ball tournament the same third Saturday of the month

Thursday, January 20, 2011

We Can Now Accept Donations with PayPal!

So I know that PayPal has been around since the late 1990's but we are finally adding it to our blog and to our website to make it easier for people to support nontoxic with tax-exempt contribution - donation.

Here it is! Just click and find out how easy it is. We'll need your address to send you a receipt for the IRS but that's it.

And remember, 100% of donations received goes to the teen center!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Skillet - from back in the day

While at a board meeting at Non-Toxic tonight, we all saw a box labeled "band pics" and made Dave get them down for us. Inside were a whole bunch of signed band pictures by the different
bands that played here at the teen center. And there was the one from Skillet. Yes, that Skillet!

Here it is, they were nice enough to sign it to Dave, the director of Non-Toxic:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January Pool Tournament winners: Joseph first place, Nate in second and Clayton in 3rd. Not pictured is Nick in 4th place. CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!

Saturday, January 1, 2011